
The Threshold

when a man is a dweller of the threshold she's all he lives for, wrap your words around her soldier, wrap your words around her ~ standing at the...

Reasons to love Britain

It's diversity. It's countryside. The ever-changing seasons. The ever-changing light. Old culture, language and music. Old buildings. The abundance...

Mary, Mary. Part One.

I remember when I worked with Margaret, she was a lot older than us, she was single and had two cats, that she called, “My girls.” She was devastated...

Back to Pagansim

… unattended, unhelped, uncomforted, even for hours before they succumb…

Another Reason To Live

Another Reason To Live By Paul McCann We all need a reason to carry on .when thing go wrong , when we feel disappointed , when we retire or feel...

Love, true

Love, true A Golden Jubilee wedding celebration in it, true love gets its definition. Half a century of togetherness with conjugal harmony and...

Joyful Reunion at a (double) funeral!

A double funeral – not a result of car accident, just two friends (therefore elderly!) both hospitalised briefly through different ill health issues...


Over the last ten years or so, I have had a cough. About 10 years ago I had a bad cough, for a long time, and antibiotics couldn’t shift it! The...

Dare To Dream

(For my Husband) Moons flew by, long ago, Cocooned in a curse. Howls mournfully Cried out: Smothered by a mask with Resounding echoes of Rushing...


Dementia is no joke! I have met people with dementia and my Mum has it. Because Mum has dementia, I decided to eat olives. When I first started to...