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I have 77 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 89408 times and 70 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2 of my 154 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2 votes

chant's picture
Ian McLachlan

"The function of the artist is to be the joker in the pack."
Twitter: @ianjmclachlan
Instagram: /ianjmclachlan
YouTube: /ianjmclachlan

My stories


19. Warrant

History’s your prime concern when the flak-jacketed thugs burst in. Have you deleted it? If your last Google visit gets out ... No, they’ve busted...

18. Rush

Some little punk comes up to you in Koko: When’s No Reflection’s next gig? he asks. The manager of an avant-garde Goth band, your burgundy suit’s...

17. Advert

Prof. desiring career change seeks band to manage. Indie/ Rock/Goth preferred. Must own own instruments. You’ll be cool, hungry, sunlight averse...

16. River

Scudding a river of headlamps, mirrored glass, the beaten iron air. Paying your fare, crossing the park on foot, two men overtake you, dirt-stamped,...

15. The Vision

South Bank: soap bubble makers, Hare Krishna dancers, God save King Hash Tag! kids are yelling on the Millennium Bridge. A man dressed as a Viking...
