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I have 4 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 2015 times and one story has been cherrypicked.

ClareHill's picture
Clare Hill

My collections

My stories



Highly commended in the poetry section of the New Writing competition.

The End of the Road

Intestine-splashed asphalt A rainbow of internal external now Stiffening fur unmoving in the breeze Buzzing flies, passing cars Matter not to the unknowing dead Road kill splatter mess Avert curious children's eyes

The Dark Side of the Park

Sniggering teenagers, trying to be cool, scrawl "U R gay on one of my bare arms. A scruffy terrier on a seemingly endless extendable lead pisses up my leg again. Others laugh at me, safe in well-lit positions,

The Street Vendor

I've run out of breath mints again and the shop on the corner don't let 'my sort' in. A fag will help get rid of the taste but the killing smoke won't take away the feel of it, coating my mouth