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I have 11 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 6399 times and 11 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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My stories


Street Justice - Part 4 (Final Part)

Brodies swansong arrives in nae time. A setup like this yin takes time, preparation. That’s what separates the professionals fae the cowboays. Furget...

Street Justice - Part 3

The follaein efternin makes fur a sunny and bright Wednesday. Ah’m back behind ma desk in the boozer. Quietly shiftin through some neglected...

Street Justice - Part 2

Finally, we arrive oan the scene. He parks ootside the boozer, cautiously. Yince the pair ae us hop intae the fresh air oor nostrils are immediately...

Street Justice - Part 1

This is a chapter from my third novel that I'm currently writing. I have to post this story in seperate parts (all are now available to read on ABC...

Who's Aldo? (my new novel) audio extract

Hey everyone, My latest novel Who's Aldo? has been receiving great reviews in the media. And received a brilliant review from ABC Tales. I wanted to...
