Ed Crane

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I have 276 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 418200 times and 280 of my stories have been cherry picked.
213 of my 2,073 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 223 votes

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My stories

Tyger! Tiger!

On secret hills and forests deep A place where poachers cannot reach Good men search your hidden home And plan a path where you can roam

Life's Big Mistake?

Life evolved to propagate; proliferate; generate. It took a very long time, but it overcame adversity and came up with diversity


Beagles -- from a hunter to prey.


Beer & Chips

All Dressed Up Like a Dog's Dinner

Frederick turned to page 43 of "Butchery Basics." Capter 3: Lamb. Finger and thumb shaped prints of blood sullied the top corner.
