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I have 10 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 6901 times and 2 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Eoghanisonfire's picture
Eoghan Scott

My stories

Save Freckles

A dog is dead poem

I don't think I was even a wallflower

I don’t think I was even a wallflower, I was more akin to the pebbledash behind. As a child I had always been very shy, and never really grew out of it.

All the things I'm not

why is it that i sleep when i should wake? do i shut out the world and go to the closest thing i have to a safe place one without responsibility, a place without pain or fear or love or loss?

Little bird

Poem written in my head on the walk to college.

Still in bed.

A very rough and very slapdash attempt at a first piece of writing.
