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I have 174 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 279393 times and 92 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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Gayle Letherby

I love to write. I am a sociologist who publishes mostly in the areas of methodology (including creative ways to present data), reproduction and non/parental identity, meanings and experiences of love, loss and the aftermath of death, solitude and/or loneliness, gender and identity, working and learning in higher education and travel and transport. I  have been writing fiction and memoir for about 14 years and draw on my own experience - both personal and academic - in my work. Other inspriations come from the books I enjoy and the news items that make me cross. 

Gayle Letherby

My stories

The Zoo is Closed

A children's story about what might have happened in the zoos during lockdown.

The Dance

‘Hi you.’ ‘Hi.’ ‘How’ve you been?’ ‘Fine, good. You? ‘Fine.’ ‘I’m glad.’ ‘It’s been a while.’ ‘I know.’ ‘I’ve missed you.’ ‘Me too, you.’ ‘You look...

Grandpa beige and his purple princess

Posy’s grandpa is a grumpy old guy. He’s been that way for a couple of years now. He never seems interested in any of his children, or their children...

Lockdown Trouble in Fairyland

Bob and Clara have called a meeting. They’ve been rushed off their wings for weeks and this Saturday afternoon is the first time they’ve had more...

The Clumsy Giant's Busy Spring

Almost nobody in the village of Codswallop knows Geoff by his name. Instead he is known by everyone except his mum as the clumsy giant. All his life...
