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I have 2 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 1122 times 1 of my 3 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

GrayArea's picture

I've been thinking up stories in this world, Ryuco'ov, since first grade. I've written for years and think that I'm probably about at the point where I can start sharing some of them publically and focus on improving that way. Concrit is appreciated. 


American high schooler. Computer Science.

My stories

The Life of Okkun Resteravi - Part Two

After the death of his mother, Okkun figures out how to navigate life, with the help of a drunkard slave named Ravi. Perhaps Okkun's childhood dreams are attainable, after all. Miss Elvakan has left him plenty of the information he needs to understand his lot in the world, but she forgot one little fact, it would seem. "Scanning?" Okkun asked, raising a brow. Miss Elvakan never mentioned that. Ravi sighed.

The Life of Okkun Resteravi - Part One

Okkun Resteravi was born a noble in the snowy country of Xc'woiriu. The Gods of this world were each to their own element, as each person was, but the circumstances of his birth meant Okkun was not. He was a Hybrid. There was a unique set of circumstances that came with that.

1 of my comments has received 1 Great Feedback vote

1 Vote

This is gorgeously done. I

Posted on Tue, 12 Feb 2019

This is gorgeously done. I haven't seen many fantasy stories that go outside of the chosen one, mercenary, and adventurer types. This is definitely a breath of fresh air. It's so quaint in it's feel and I feel like I understand their corner of...

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Posted in The Tree of Many Fruits (Part 2 of 2)