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I have 446 stories published in 7 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 593844 times and 85 of my stories have been cherry picked.

hadley's picture
David Hadley

David Hadley lives in the Black Country, West Midlands, UK.

His writing has been published in several magazines in the UK and US. Many of his pieces have been Cherry-picked by the editors at abctales.com, including some selected as Story of the Week. (http://www.abctales.com/user/38640).

His books are available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B005DFN62Q (UK) or here: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B005DFN62Q (US).

My stories

Surface Tension

Skimming out across the surface, Leaving it unmarked, unchanging. Letting time slip right by, floating On the surface as my steps can Only dent the meniscus of Every moment like that summer

An Actor’s Life

Spendapenny Pissedup is probably the 20th century’s most well-known heavy-drinking actor, famous for his 274 day drinking spree in Las Vegas back in 1978 when he drank three casinos dry, left Oliver

Throw the Bums a Dime

"Once upon a time you dressed so fine / You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn’t you?"*

A Sign

Move slowly down to the sea. A solemn procession, silent, Dressed in black, hooded. They wait at the water's edge For some sign of recognition. The waves lap around their feet,

Legends Of Rock – Part One

Osteopath Chaingun* and the Psychodramatic Megastoats first hit the British singles chart back in the summer of 1975 with their first single: '(The Square Of The Sum Of The Other Two Sides Makes You)
