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I have 446 stories published in 7 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 615289 times and 85 of my stories have been cherry picked.

hadley's picture
David Hadley

David Hadley lives in the Black Country, West Midlands, UK.

His writing has been published in several magazines in the UK and US. Many of his pieces have been Cherry-picked by the editors at abctales.com, including some selected as Story of the Week. (http://www.abctales.com/user/38640).

His books are available here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B005DFN62Q (UK) or here: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B005DFN62Q (US).

My stories

The Sexiest Elbows I'd Ever Seen

When we first met she was Emeritus Professor of Post-Colonial Marmalade at the University of Ffestiniog, and she had the sexiest elbows I had ever seen. We met at the Annual Ffestiniog Tapioca-Ignoring Convention, back in the late summer of ‘83. At the time neither of us had a Tapioca-Ignoring partner, so naturally – once we found our handicaps were compatible – we teamed up for that autumn’s preliminary Tapioca-Ignoring Cup rounds. Of course, with both of us being amateurs, we never expected to get to the finals.

A Victorian Gentleman and the Steam Age

Surplice Dingleberry was the third and youngest son of the twelfth Lord Dingleberry, the renowned inventor of the steam-driven top hat dispenser. As was the tradition at the time, young Surplice was destined for a life in the church. However, he was – like his father – fascinated by the wonders of Victorian engineering and the possibilities inherent in steam power.

Pride and Penalty Shoot-Outs

Of course, Dandelion Waiftendrill first made her name on the lucrative women’s professional Mr Darcy Bothering circuit. A sport where some of the...

The Physics of Clothing Space

Plebiscite Umlaut is probably the world’s leading theoretical physicist in the rather specialised field of Theoretical Clothing Space. As we all know...

The Desert of Her Dreams

There are dreams buried under these rocks and stones. The desert is dry, bare, desolate. But there was life here once, I can feel it. Of the many...
