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I have 162 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 249245 times and 179 of my stories have been cherry picked.
95 of my 725 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 104 votes

HarryC's picture
Kevin Marman

Care worker, writer, memester, autist, dissenter.

I like people who not only think outside the box, but reshape the box into something else!

I've been writing since I was 10.  It's my sanctuary - though the structure often needs maintenance.  Over the last twenty or so years, I've won some writing prizes for short fiction, poetry and playwriting.  In 2013, I published my first novel, 'In the Day'.  Looking at it now, I can see all sorts of things I would change - but I suppose that shows progress.  I also have a collection of short fiction, 'Sacred Shirts', which was published in 2024.

In 2015, at the grand age of 56, I was finally diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Condition (Asperger's).  I live alone with my cat, Daisy, and lots of books.

My stories


Money - some context

As of 13th January 2022 (last Thursday), the Top Ten richest people (all men) in the world had an estimated (official) net worth as follows:

The Den (Part 2)

There was no-one in when I went home at lunchtime. I drank some milk out of the bottle in the fridge. Then I made myself a pickle sandwich and went...

The Den (Part 1)

This is one of the first short stories I ever wrote - about 30 years ago. It's based on my own childhood experiences, growing up on a high-rise estate in South London in the '70s.

Mr Smelly (2)

One day, a singular event happened which galvanized the attention of the town. A young woman who lived on the estate, Layla Spruce, went missing...

Mr Smelly (1)

First draft of a new story, mainly written today - so it may need some tinkering... (image credit - my own)
