Other Non-fiction

Weekend at Nans

The dog comes to greet me wagging its tail frantically like it has nt seen me in forever Friday night line up Come on down the price is right Higher...
Gold cherry
Story of the week

The Lonely Goose on The Durme

I was planning to write about this bird, the new IP seemed a good place for it. . . . pic taken by me

The Game by Alfred N.Muggins

8/1/25 The Cabal planned the takeover of the nation. It would be like a Game! – not the Game of Thrones – but the Game of Democracy (and Economics...

Goodbye Gene Hackman - Part 3

Gene starred as Lex Luthor three times. And he starred in "Behind Enemy Lines". His death was hard for his fans to face. He's gone and he can never...

A Reason To Find The Will To Live

A Reason To Find The Will To Live By Paul McCann Jimmy was wild child , a lone wolf . He was always making trouble . He was expelled from school at...

Rest In Peace, Mom - Part VIII

It was twelve years ago today when I found you dead. I knew you had died because you were lying lifeless on that hospital bed. I bought you a card...

Goodbye Gene Hackman - Part 2

Gene Hackman has died and so has his wife. After ninety-five years, Hackman lost his life. Gene was a legend and he had plenty of fans. Everybody...
Gold cherry
Story of the week


The Guardian website is showing me the latest trends I need to update my wardrobe. 'Retro' seems to be a thing.

Untitled etc

Drying up, the blue lines seeking meaning through organization, through order and direction; a specific kind of structure, alien ideations of unknown...

Looking For A Reason to Live

Looking For A Reason to Live by Paul McCann Being part of a gang wasn’t a choice Albert made it was the only option for him to survive . He came to...