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I have 895 stories published in 45 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 1685783 times and 270 of my stories have been cherry picked.
402 of my 5,471 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 406 votes

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Jean Day


My stories

Remembering Father - 3 -more about tea

"When did you get a turn to speak?" I asked Father, as he was telling me all about his experience in appearing before the Parliamentary Select...

Remembering Father - 2 - en route to China

I really didn't know much about Father and Mother's life in China, as they had moved back to England before I was born. Father worked for Matheson...

Remembering Father - 1 Planning the Funeral

October 12, 1911 My darling beloved father died yesterday at Doctor Nash's in Richmond House where he was being treated. We all knew it had to happen...

The Empty Table

When you walk in the room it seems odd Still lots of laughs from them But Pat, who sat in the very back We saw off last week at the crem. And Joyce...

Laura's Letters - Epilogue

My intention in writing this book, was to try to bring my grandmother, Laura Hills Wyngarden, to life for me - as I never knew her. She died long...
