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I have 895 stories published in 45 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 1782043 times and 270 of my stories have been cherry picked.
402 of my 5,470 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 406 votes

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Jean Day


My stories

Marple and the Chartists 9

January, 1843 I did my usual morning chores at the Hall, and instead of leaving just after lunch at 12.30 to go to school, I said to Mrs. Hood, the...

Marple and the Chartists 8

Marple December 1842 - January 1843 Mrs. Isherwood continued to talk to me on most of my mornings at Marple Hall - and let me know that she was...

Marple and the Chartists 7

Marple December, 1842 Question from student (Caroline):What happened after he died? John: On the day that King Charles' head was struck from his...

Marple and the Chartists 6

Marple October 1842 Our school consists of a long narrow two storey stone building with one large classroom downstairs and the same upstairs. We...

Marple and the Chartists 5

Marple August-September 1842 The papers were full of information about Chartists activities, and because we were concerned about Johnny, Beth and I...
