Jon McBaker

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I have 9 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
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My stories

The Room

This is a short story I wrote in 2014, originally for an Open Mic Night at my university.

The Genesis People - Chapter5

This is the final chapter of 'The Genesis People' before I stopped writing it. The Genesis People go to Afghanistan to spread their 'gift' to others, infecting every faction in the Afghanistan War.

The Genesis People - Chapters 3 & 4

Here are chapters 3 and 4 of the abandoned book project I attempted to write back in 2010. Human/plant hybrids begin to enforce their existence onto humanity, starting with the research facility and then Hawaii.

The Genesis People - Chapters 1 & 2

The first two chapters of a book I attempted to write back in 2010, but only got up to five chapters before giving it up. This was back when I was new to writing fiction, so it's very amateurish. The premise is that a plant wielding healing properties is discovered and experimented on by scientists. However, the DNA of the plant proves contagious when it's also revealed to act like a virus, infecting people, turning them into half-plant hybrids in a kind of hive mind.
