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I have 70 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 69880 times and 20 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 31 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

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My stories

Bag of Weasels. Chapter 15

Once upon a time in a land I've mentioned, it was hotter than the sun and the water was cut off. .

No Sleep for Weasel

Weasel cannot sleep..


TV light bathed him and his sofa in flickery blue; he hadn't moved for hours and was starting to dribble.

Bag of Weasels. Chapter 13

The bridge was clear and Banksy led, and we padded over quick as you like into the South. A couple of streets in, and we were on it; "Eyes up, said Banksy.

Bag of Weasels. Chapter 12

So it was off to the South and the crumbly slums and the bad-name districts and depots, eating the finest from the skips of giants. It was an easy zigzag route.
