Kurt Rellians

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I have 238 stories published in 14 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 194185 times and 5 of my stories have been cherry picked.
30 of my 361 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 31 votes

Kurt Rellians's picture
Kurt Rellians

My stories

Time Travellers from the 1960's : Ted and Louise : Ch.2 : Awakening

Louise awakes in the future and is surprised to find their Cult no longer looks after the Travellers, but she is relieved to find her husband will be awakening shortly.

Time Travellers from the 1960's : Ted and Louise : Ch.1 : Going To The Future

A free thinking modern couple decide to follow others from their Cult into the future, where they expect society to have progressed in many ways.

Charlerion Of Pelancir : Princil's Magic : Ch.6 (Part 3) : Negotiations

As the two barbarian Kings negotiate for the next stage of conquest, the beauty Remzain finds herself part of the negotiations, and finds her future may be far different to the one she expected.

Charlerion Of Pelancir : Princil's Magic : Ch.6 (Part 2) : The Dance

Handsome King Charlerion dances with concubine Remzain at the feast hosted by the barbaric King Guthelm of Grumandor.

Princil's Magic : Ch.4 : The Trial (Part 3) Sorceror In Love

Valdark, the Great Sorceror, obliges Aribor to reluctantly give the lovely Remzain up after reading his mind.
