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I have 156 stories published in 29 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 105906 times and 14 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Leno's picture

My stories

Reign of Darkness Chapter Four- Waiting

Sumasi Dasu sighed as he hung his head, still chained to the wall. For hours he'd been there

Reign of Darkness Chapter Three- Helpless

Jirasaki Akira couldn't see anything, couldn't break free, couldn't go down on flat feet, couldn't say a word

Reign of Darkness Chapter Two- The Freezer

Sumasi Dasu sighed heavily as he paced back and forth, his gaze wandering every so often to the cell bars

The Chosen- Prologue

There was no way to stop it, no way to resist. Soon, they would all be taken, they would all be turned into mindless slaves, forgetting who they were, losing the ones they loved.

Shadow Field Chapter One- Place in the Forest (Part One)

The boy, Terin, gave a little smirk at the look on his parents' faces.
