Reign of Darkness Chapter Four- Waiting
By Leno
- 695 reads
Sumasi Dasu sighed as he hung his head, still chained to the wall. For hours he'd been there, his legs growing numb and tired, his wrists and arms aching as they were held and chained above his head. Letting forth a small groan, he opened his green eyes and gazed around the small dark room he was in. There were no windows; the door was shut, the only light in the room coming from under the door. Peering cautiously at the light, he saw a shadow pass by the door, and he sighed. They were going to come into the room soon, he knew. Just as soon as Roswa got back with the body. He clenched his eyes closed as he took in a deep breath. The Incinterator. He'd heard rumors that there was one, but he hadn't been sure. Now the Incinerator was surely dead, and there was nothing he could do about it. Why were these people killing them? What was going on? Why had they let the male in the chair die? What was the purpose? Why was it a crime that the male had been born? He didn't understand, and he feared he never would, at least not before it was too late. With a sigh he gave a tug at the chains, but of course they hadn't loosened, and he didn't think he was ever getting out of them, not until they were ready for him anyway. He let his gaze wander to the ground, where his feet were shackled together. He closed his eyes with a small sigh and began to wait for them to enter and send him to his death. He didn't like that it seemed like he was giving up, but he didn't see any other way out of this; the odds certainly weren't in his favor. All he could do was wait...
He didn't have to wait long, though. The door opened soon enough and a man entered. "We're not sure when Roswa will be back with the Incinerator, so we're just going to kill you and get it over with," he stated. "I hope that's okay." In the dim lightly, Dasu could still make out a smirk on the man's face. With a low growl, he narrowed his eyes at the man, hatred filling them. The man merrily laughed and then reached up, unchaining his wrists from the ceiling. Bending down, the man unshackled his feet placed the chains from the ceiling around Dasu's neck. Dasu's eyes widened, and he began to struggled, pulling at the chain, his hands bound together by thick tape in front of him. The man laughed. "I'm not killing you yet," he said. "This is just to make sure you don't struggle...but you are." and then the man gave the chains a harsh tug and it began to cut into his throat, making him cough and wheeze. He immediately felt the fight go out of him and his struggling died down. The man gave a malignant chuckle and began to shove him out of the room, keeping the chain tight around his throat. It only just allowed him to breathe, and he mentally cursed the man and everyone involved in the killings of innocent people. He was shoved down a dark hallway and then down a staircase into a cold, dank room. It smelled strange, and Dasu found himself wrinkling his nose. The man pulled him down four steps onto the ground of the room and then he shoved him into the wall, his chest and stomach being forced onto it. He gasped and struggled, but the man was stronger than in his weakened state. He was turned so his back was against the wall, and the tape was ripped off of his wrists, making him give a soft yelp. The tape was ripped off of his mouth as well, and it made a stinging pain ring throughout his body. He winced and tried to turn away, but the man threw a punch at him, forcing him to stop.
The chain was taken from his neck and he was turned around again, his arms being forced behind his back. His wrists were chained together, and the force of the chains put a great strain on the bones in his wrists, making him cry out slightly. The man didn't just chain his wrists together; he brought the chains around the arms as well, making the pain grow. He was turned so that his back was against the wall and was forced to the ground in a sitting position. His ankles were then connected to the ground by metal cuffs, and he couldn't move them at all from the ground. The man moved to his side, and his wrists were chained to the wall. He glared at the man and uttered, "Bastard." the man snarled and kneed him in the head, causing his head to whip to the side as he groaned, his vision spinning. He closed his eyes and took in a breath. Suddenly, a fresh length of tape was pressed onto his lips, securing them together. He gazed at the man silently, glowering inside.
"Now we wait," said the man, and he gave a chuckle, confusing Dasu. "This chamber will soon flood, and when it does, you will drown. Good luck dying." and then the man turned and left the room, locking the door behind him. Dasu began pulling at his restraints, but he couldn't break free.
He sighed heavily. Today really wasn't his day.
Roswa was currently walking silently through the trees, cradling the limp body of Jirasaki Akira in his arms, glancing down at the pale face every so often. "I'm sorry..." he murmured, his eyes suddenly soft and kind, full of remorse and guilt. "I'm so sorry..." the static form of the boy never moved, never made a sound. He didn't expect it to; he had choked him, after all. He sighed and let his sadness, his guilt at what he had done, show. "I'm sorry Akira..." For a moment he stopped in his walking and hugged the body close to him. "I'm so sorry...please forgive me..." he gently brushed back the boy's black bangs, and gazed at his smooth and tormented face for a moment, and then went down to his knees, cradling the boy. "I'm sorry, I didn't wasn't my choice...I'm so sorry Akira..." he bowed his head and pulled the bloody cloth out of his pocket, glaring at it silently. "Please forgive me..." with a snarl of rage, he threw the cloth to the side, holding the boy close to him as if he were daring someone to take him away. "I never wanted to hurt you kid, I...I had to...I'm so sorry..." the guilt at what he had done began to overwhelm him, and he found himself, a thirty-one-year-old man, crying quietly over the boy's limp and motionless body. "Akira I'm sorry..." he brushed the boy's bangs back slowly, the guilt and sorrow gnawing at his heart. "What was I thinking? You're just a didn't never did..." he closed his eyes for a moment. "You're just a kid...what have I done?"
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