lisa h

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I have 145 stories published in 5 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 301179 times and 127 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2 of my 636 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2 votes

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Been coming to ABC for years now, got some books published, some indie, two through a publisher. Find me here:

My stories

Gold cherry

That Elusive Cure 50

“Kath, it’s Wendy.” I’d been out in the garden, watering flowers and deadheading when the phone rang. “What’s wrong?” Did I really need to ask? Did I...
Story of the week

That Elusive Cure 49

I slept badly. Wendy called late Friday and brought me up to date. Sally’s liver function was beginning to deteriorate. Her kidney function was...

That Elusive Cure 48

I stayed with Sally for the rest of the morning, holding her hand while she fitfully slept. Wendy came back after a few hours, her eyes swollen and a...

That Elusive Cure 47

Wendy met me in the lobby area at the front of the hospital. She approached looking grey with worry and indicated that we sit on one of the bench...

That Elusive Cure 45 & 46

45 All Wednesday morning I waited at home, listening for the phone. Newland had told Jimmy he was leaving early. How long did it take to fly down...
