Lou Blodgett

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I have 203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 93394 times and 85 of my stories have been cherry picked.
9 of my 188 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 9 votes

Lou Blodgett's picture

"Lou Blodgett", standing proudly before vines.

My stories

Dollar For Your Thoughts, Part 12/14

“‘Dear Imno’,” Connie complained aloud. “‘I would like to point out some flaws in the Lil’ Im Floaty-Floaty device’.” We tugged the contraption off...

Dollar For Your Thoughts, Part 11/14

“Stick with me. Close.” Connie stood and shouted- “Mea Culpa!” And walked toward the mayor who now held the smokin’ pans to either side, with a pair...

Dollar For Your Thoughts, Part 10/14

“Keep the badge?” she asked. “Keep the badge,” I told her. “It’s better that the sheriff knows that you’re from Tenger.” “What about this rabid hoi...

Dollar For Your Thoughts, Part 9/14

As if finding a solution, she turned to light. A negative of herself. I grabbed her arm. Then I couldn’t see anything. Connie was still with me,...

Dollar For Your Thoughts, Part 8/14

Things fell into a blur for me as we dove into the contrary life. We feasted on subs and sipped spiked fruit cocktails. We borrowed board games from...
