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I have 56 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 93408 times and 12 of my stories have been cherry picked.
23 of my 229 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 23 votes

MarciaMarcia's picture

Multimedia artist-Writer-Art Therapist

My stories

What of Love’s

What of Love’s. (Poetry monthly) By MarciaMarcia What of Love’s affair artist and muse, imagined, inanimate, spirit or flesh, caught in a moment’s...

What I Don’t Understand Is

What I don’t understand is... what I don’t understand is how a Congress, made up, of the people, by the people and for the people, can splinter and...

Easy Sax. By MarciaMarcia

Easy Sax easy Sax you are not so easy making movement in soulful scale rising piercing silence you tug at the senses arousing longings which touch a...

The Color of Light. by MarciaMarcia

The Color of Light. ( Poetry Monthly) I heard today that she had given in to fears and insecurity allowing cover to envelop her light and beckon...

How Do I Write “Mother”

How do I write “mother” I’ve painted this, the word it’s image birthed with watered pigment; reds and orange blackish browns, set within the line of...
