Mark Heathcote

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I have 597 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 354700 times and 9 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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Mark Heathcote

My stories

Ex-Streams of consciousness’

Eternal life is a blank page... In a diary that goes unwritten. Life is an entry in that diary-page That continues daily to be written. The universe therefore is a library

Peace on a bough never withers

As is, has been, has will be seen All that is night is day File at the prison-bars, light the gasoline! Death is indifferent, anyway. Pies need a crust; a dog its lust.

A poetic exile

What is there to berate Life—for: Why equate It has not any meaning..? Every sap that’s shelled-out The husk, longs further, seeding. “Every breath a water-spout

What we worship guides our thirst...

“Only he God can charge or judge The ink, that pores-out its blood. That algae-spore” of each, dreams-drudge, That made its way—out; from the crud.

38 yrs—on,

As my eyes now fixed abysmally Ahead of some far distant point Way-down Market Street, Piccadilly Time lurches-on, takes my viewpoint
