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I have 552 stories published in 26 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 596889 times and 290 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2 of my 75 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 3 votes

mcmanaman's picture

I'm John. I live in Norwich and write poems and books and for the radio. My first full poetry collection Most people aren't that happy, anyway is published by Nasty Little Press. You can take a look at it here.

My stories

Gold cherry
Poem of the week

The frequency of people

I was thinking about prawns a lot yesterday a spontaneous special offer bag of frozen prawns that you shrug into your basket then discover in the...

Is the local still the local?

When I was at sixth form We went to the same pub every Friday night The bar staff knew our names. Phil the Landlord used to make us sandwiches. He...

I called you on your birthday

You were in the garden. I phone to say how sad it was we couldn't all be there you said it's fine isn't it surprising what life throws at us...

Better things

The first time I told you I love you was by text I was in the back seat of a taxi with no shoes on and I could barely make out your reply because of...

Bringing down the birds

I have never walked across this field before it's not one of those fields for walking across it has crops that are probably important but it's been...
