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I have 10 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 14145 times and 3 of my stories have been cherry picked.

michscor's picture
Elizabeth Wyn

My stories

Whilst reading Ernest Hemingway...

The initial journey was difficult. The characters, French names and places were leaden and inaccessible, dull even - nay boring!

Dolls' Packing

Every year my family and I went camping, invariably to Cornwall or Devon.

Passing Mother's Day

The White Family travelled to London by car. As usual Mr White debated the various merits or demerits of certain routes, their likelihood of success or otherwise.

A Gilded Run

Her father built the cage out of wood he had brought home stealthily over several weeks. It was a basic wooden structure with a side door closed by a simple wooden latch.


We lived in a cul-de-sac. A modern 1960s-built sort of square dead-end. Our house was embedded within the square or rectangle of houses which sat around a central patch of grass.
