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I have 20 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 26735 times and 32 of my stories have been cherry picked.

mitzi44's picture


My stories

Gold cherry
Story of the week

My New Nemesis

It was small wonder that I was continually nursing a boil somewhere on my bottom...

The Kindness of Kasmir

“Yes, my dear girl, this is life now. We will never fit in, only get used to it. The trouble is, we are square pegs in a round hole.”
Gold cherry

276 Portobello Road

She was wonderful to us – always dressed to the nines and often in a fur coat, beautifully made up and scented; she was called ‘A lady of the night’, my parents said, which meant that she was up in the west end a lot...
Gold cherry


Hello You’re a sweet little echo

Two outings

More often than not, a girl would be sitting behind him on the pillion seat with her arms wrapped around him... head on his shoulder.
