my silent undoing

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I have 63 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 58973 times and 2 of my stories have been cherry picked.

my silent undoing's picture
Luthor Vandross

My stories

His cup, his plate, his bowl

Maybe tragic. Maybe nothing.

Crime and Punishment.

Crime and Punishment.

The Tape

A new low.

Diet vs. Full Sugar

Anyways, we get to the cafe. Must be about seven in the evening, but the place is dead. A few years later the notion of sitting in a non-alcoholic cafe all night just sipping coke would have made my brother laugh his arse off, his idea of hell - but Laura's good for him; he seems calm tonight, relaxed. So I'm the anxious one, them three talking to each other about bullshit while I just sit there and kind of zone-out, nothing in my head but static.

Four Strangers

They were four strangers, from different parts of the world, but tonight they were friends. They sat around the table, four gentlemen with nothing to lose. There was a bottle of brandy in the centre, warming both their bones and their spirits, and a haze of cigar smoke surrounding the table like a fog.
