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I have 58 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 319750 times and 40 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 1,507 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

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Old Pesky

My stories


The Glasgow Resurrection (I.P.)

“Come on Sean, put your back intae it. We huvnae got aw day,” said Archie, looking over his shoulder to make sure there was no police about.

Modern Love

The times they are a changing, my lover said to me While stripping me butt-naked, and tying me to a tree I told her that I loved her, she said she didn’t care

Indoor Golf

It's as silly as it sounds

The Joys of Spring

Daffodils gather in crowds from the start Dancing and swaying with joy in their hearts Pleasures of spring behold every eye Gladdening spirits and raising hopes high

Do The Right Thing 3/3 Dignity

He lies there gurgling, but not like the way we gargled with milk when we were kids.
