I have 223 stories published in
13 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 278817 times
and 187 of my stories have been cherry picked. 331 of my 1,405 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 348 votes
In the days that follow, we will fall into a depression and battle stomach wrenching pain at the incomprehensible diagnosis and seeing the ravages of...
“Perfidia,” Martha said with an apologetic look as she entered the kitchen from the backdoor, “I’m sorry we couldn’t wait for you.” “I understand. It...
331 of my comments have received 348 Great Feedback votes
2 Votes
Like butterscoth dripping
Posted on Sun, 23 May 2021
Like butterscoth dripping from the sky. This poem was easy on the senses and calm enducing. It was lovely to share your patch of sunshine today, Thank you Richard.
The sounds at night are amplified by mostly silent streets here and you've captured perfectly all of those sounds. The distant train whistle, the rainwater plinking in puddles and dropping from drenched leaves...the lone dog barking- I could walk...
The language is harsh, unpolished but I think so is the character you've created, a true curmudgeon. In this context, the rough tone and attitude works- it is defiantly defensive as his life has not been all he'd have liked. I enjoyed the read...
I love these Craven Danger stories. I've posted a link on my facebook page to give my friends and family a little humour in their day too. I truly hope you publish these stories in a book. they are all gems - and the world sure could use some...
‘Doily old’ struck a chord for me; I can remember houses of older relatives I'd visited when I was a child that had these on sofa arms and entry tables.
I really enjoyed reading your story, partly because New York was my playground too so...
Thank you. When I received 1944 as the random year, it was all I could think of, the batlle where a realtive of mine died on Christmas Eve. I thought it so sad that he had died on that day, not that death on any other day would have been less sad...
They were arrogant little jerks and I believe you have every right to be shouty - as a matter of fact -shout it from a mountain top - it reaches more ears that way-
Your story drew me in and, being a woman, infuriated me at the lack of...
I'm sure this was a difficult poem to write; I'm happy you didn't let the dark memories fester within, that you wrote them out and held them up to the sunlight so they can wither away and you can emerge, whole and beautiful as you're meant to be...
Cows seem complacent when they are grazing. I find them comforting to watch and I agree with Turlough, their large expressive eyes are gorgeous. They’re sturdy, beautiful beasts. Your poem brought me into an early morning light where I saw all of...
Like butterscoth dripping
Posted on Sun, 23 May 2021
Like butterscoth dripping from the sky. This poem was easy on the senses and calm enducing. It was lovely to share your patch of sunshine today, Thank you Richard.
Read full commentPosted in Sun-Light
The sounds at night are
Posted on Wed, 08 Jul 2020
The sounds at night are amplified by mostly silent streets here and you've captured perfectly all of those sounds. The distant train whistle, the rainwater plinking in puddles and dropping from drenched leaves...the lone dog barking- I could walk...
Read full commentPosted in Caesura
The language is harsh,
Posted on Tue, 07 Jul 2020
The language is harsh, unpolished but I think so is the character you've created, a true curmudgeon. In this context, the rough tone and attitude works- it is defiantly defensive as his life has not been all he'd have liked. I enjoyed the read...
Read full commentPosted in Not too Much to Ask
I love these Craven Danger
Posted on Thu, 09 Apr 2020
I love these Craven Danger stories. I've posted a link on my facebook page to give my friends and family a little humour in their day too. I truly hope you publish these stories in a book. they are all gems - and the world sure could use some...
Read full commentPosted in The Coffee Pot on the Corner - A Craven Danger Mystery
‘Doily old’ struck a chord
Posted on Mon, 02 Sep 2019
‘Doily old’ struck a chord for me; I can remember houses of older relatives I'd visited when I was a child that had these on sofa arms and entry tables.
I really enjoyed reading your story, partly because New York was my playground too so...
Read full commentPosted in A Rambling Remembrance
Thank you. When I received
Posted on Fri, 03 May 2019
Thank you. When I received 1944 as the random year, it was all I could think of, the batlle where a realtive of mine died on Christmas Eve. I thought it so sad that he had died on that day, not that death on any other day would have been less sad...
Read full commentPosted in 1944 (12miles south of Spa Belgium)
Don't apologize, They were
Posted on Sun, 21 Apr 2019
They were arrogant little jerks and I believe you have every right to be shouty - as a matter of fact -shout it from a mountain top - it reaches more ears that way-
Your story drew me in and, being a woman, infuriated me at the lack of...
Read full commentPosted in Throwing Stones
Thank you, the cherries are
Posted on Fri, 14 Oct 2016
Thank you, the cherries are lovely. Let's hope for more chances to write on these lovely pages here on ABCtales....
Read full commentPosted in No Place like it Anywhere!
I'm sure this was a difficult
Posted on Tue, 18 Feb 2025
I'm sure this was a difficult poem to write; I'm happy you didn't let the dark memories fester within, that you wrote them out and held them up to the sunlight so they can wither away and you can emerge, whole and beautiful as you're meant to be...
Read full commentPosted in A series of horses decreasing in size
Cows seem complacent when
Posted on Tue, 18 Feb 2025
Cows seem complacent when they are grazing. I find them comforting to watch and I agree with Turlough, their large expressive eyes are gorgeous. They’re sturdy, beautiful beasts. Your poem brought me into an early morning light where I saw all of...
Read full commentPosted in Cows - lost, refound, tinkered with.