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I have 1958 stories published in 16 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 3371981 times and 594 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1431 of my 12,712 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1470 votes

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My stories


Self-reliance (juche?) – man* is the master of his own destiny – is he? a master of his own ascent, or expert at mistakes, stupidity, unplanned...

Harassed sheep

[Continuing the hymn-for-Sundays series] … Are you wandering all astray, can’t make sense of life today? Jesus hears you when you speak – strength and wisdom, guidance seek.

Impediments to reaching the treasure

Thorny tentacles entrap feet or legs to tangle, trip … little juicy treasure perch just beyond precarious reach.

A happy old lady

Her face, full of wrinkles, quite suddenly crinkles, her one good eye twinkles …

Watch your back!

(owlish metaphor) “Tu -whit, tu-woo” “I keep a good view, and you, you too what will you do? “To look back behind me my feet needn’t turn, I soundlessly swivel my head to discern what is to the rear…
