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I have 3 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 6733 times and 2 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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My stories


Let's Eat Gordon Ramsey

Let’s eat Gordon Ramsey so he’s gone from off the telly - He’ll have trouble being offensive when he’s deep down in our belly - We could lure him to my kitchen, promise vino and a natter
Poem of the week

Auntie Edna's Pie

My brother is a junkie he’s got holes all up his arm, My sister is a prostitute who’s paid to show her charms, My mum cheats on the benefits My dad cheats on my mum,

A Crohns Remission Prayer

I Thank you God Of Excrement For what my body's passed - That lovely, solid piece of shit That just came out my arse. No blood, no flood No nasty stuff Just good old fashioned shite,