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I have 390 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 154807 times and 6 of my stories have been cherry picked.

swindonwoody's picture


My stories

There is door mark summer

There a door mark summer that one day we must all walkthrough and leave behind the life we once knew there a door mark summer we must all walk...

Purple monster at the bottom of your bed

Have you ever seen a purple monster at the bottom of your bed trying to scare you in the middle of the night with his great big deep blue eyes now he...

I see such beauty

Let me lay on field of green watch clouds pass over me see butterflies dancing in the air and bees are flying by there buzzing carries on the air...

We come here to say goodbye

we come here to say goodbye such is life one moment your there and the next your not flower on rosewood voices singing tears are flowing like a river...

More than a beaufuil face

I'm all women can you see i am more than just a beautiful face i got a brain can you see stay with me and we have fun i don't need all those things...
