Talo Segura

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I have 30 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 22501 times and 16 of my stories have been cherry picked.
13 of my 59 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 17 votes

My stories

Milo Chapter Five

Chapter Five “What do you make of Estevo?” John and Marie were the only two left on the veranda. John was relaxing in one of the two comfy wicker...

Milo Chapter Two

Continuing the story: Milo - Chapter Two
Gold cherry
Story of the week


One summer at their house in the South of France is much like all those previous summers. Except this year is different. Milo turns sixteen, and when his father employs Estevo, to fix things up, attractions and revelations mix with family problems, and a long held secret. Milo will no longer be able to retreat and hide in the imagined worlds of literature. He will be tested and played with by his cousins and this new arrival. Exactly what is going on between these two families risks erupting into a thunderous climax and a deluge of emotions as heavy as any summer storm!
