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I have 317 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 194364 times and 21 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 149 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

valiswaverider's picture
Rob Wheeldon

His photo is ,over ten years old its my portait of Dorain Gray you youthful good looking bugger. Never judge a book by its cover

My stories

working class attitude

People say I ve got a working class attitude do you know what would cure that? A middle class income

Russell chapter 2 house husband

Chapter 2 House husband I tell you what going up this hill is getting hard I can hardly get my breath . On top of that I am sweating like a...

Russell chapter 1 The great family mix up

My name is Russell , I do nt understand the modern world one little bit just the other day I was in the feathers and I said to Elsie the barmaid ...

Cosmic man

Cosmic man This moment is pregnant with potential What will it yield Only time will tell The whole universe is one big superposition Constantly in...


This is a poem about my experience as an adult with a learning difference Disability ? / ability? Dis / Dys it’s a prefix which denotes lack A 5 and...
