The Walrus

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I have 226 stories published in 10 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 253579 times and 66 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2 of my 1,643 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2 votes

The Walrus's picture
David Jasmin-Green

My stories


Cowboys And Injuns (Part One)

Douglas Thacker walked through the town centre on a Saturday afternoon in the full cowboy getup that he wore during the bulk of his free time. “

Toad Type Thing (Part Two)

“Bugger off, it's siesta time and we're trying to sleep!” one of the trees grumbled, its lurid green cat-like eyes almost as big as saucers.

Toad Type Thing (Part One)

“Twannocks!” Toad Type Thing groaned when he got up one Saturday morning and discovered what the Pixie Type Things had done to his lovely garden.

Pirates In Boots

“'Ere,” said the ancient, tarted up harridan on the make-up counter in Boots to her even more decrepit colleague. “Did you see what I saw?”

The Voyage Of The Buggered Pig

"I'll make you walk the plank over yonder stickleback and bike frame infested canal. Haa-haar – you see if I won't!”
