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I have 49 stories published in 4 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 62557 times and 22 of my stories have been cherry picked.
7 of my 155 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 8 votes

Weefatfella's picture
Paul Hawthorne

I am 62 Years old and have been married to Theresa, the Sweetness for 42 wonderful years. We have two married daughters and have been blessed with four grandchildren. I have two books published on Kindle direct publishing: Weefatfella's Wondrous Weavings and Mair ae Weefatfella's Weavings.

I make a wee shilling from the book sales but I still roll my old black cab out of a morning to ply my trade on the ranks in Livingston West Lothian.

My stories


A Dangerous Choice.

" Curdy, haw Curdy, ya auld bastard, waken up." The auld bastard he was yelling at was sitting slumped at the table in the Shieldmuir Bar. I didn't...

The Winchburgh Chronicles.

The full moon, cast a silvery gleam over the wet tar on the road as Ben turned onto the Queens Crescent rank. An eerie, primordial, verdant glimmer...
Gold cherry

A Common Victory.

Bannockburn in1314 was not a fortuitous victory. Good King Robert, planned the whole thing. The 8th Earl of Gloucester, his cousin, met his death here at the hands of a Ploughman with a long sharp stick.

The Perfect Answer.

My Father was working in a nasty environment of sectarian abuse. He found the answer.

The Harburn Haggis Bash.

The invitation when it arrived made itself and its importance known, by landing on my hall carpet with a decidedly prominent and weighty thump. On...
