Inspiration point (IP)

This week's Inspiration Point, roughly inspired by Ralph's poem, The Rower, is to write a story or poem based on a piece of writing you admire. 

Inspiration point


January this year, while we were off for Christmas, over the holiday period, my daughter Meghan, was looking through Netflix for something for us...

A Silent Moment Before

Even though they are silent, the birds of night are hunting. Birdsong is diminishing even from the bird encaged. Crowds are gathering looking towards...

Holy Forever.

Holy Forever. On January 17th 2024A.D. something popped up on my Instagram it was of two little boys one was on a homemade drum and the other was...

In A Troubled Land

What lies ahead shows incessant consternation by the hour; Fleeting moments grieving, yearning lips crave romantic lover, for a maiden needs...
