
Fire, Water, Earth and Air.

There are some mysteries in this world and universe, that amazes me. When I was young and in my teens, I was fascinated with the stars at night,...

An Everyday Week At Holy Cross

An Everyday Week At Holy Cross By Paul McCann The bells rang out on Sunday, it was time to come to mass, There's was also weekday masses if anyone...

All Things are useful, and Needful.

All Things are useful, and Needful Every artist was first an amateur: Ralph Waldo Emerson Stringing together, this unique ensemble: with only a...

Short Stories. Part Five.

Today outside my local Tesco, a man sat outside, and begged. He said to everyone as they and I walked past him, “Can I have 50p?” He said this as he...

Fifteen Years.

It came up on my mobile phone early this morning that there was a serious incident in London. I did pause for a moment to think what would make it a...

So Many Steps To Some place Complete

So Many Steps To Some place Complete Knowing that diamond is not the only thing that shines; once the pavement has given way to life’s grind. Where...

Fact Checking Asshole

Now that we're here, let's talk about a twenty first century creature who has emerged from the cellular stream and prowls amongst us in various...

The Market.

I never shop at the market. My Husband Paul loves it. Just before Christmas last year, we were in the Town together, that is rare. We do shop...

A Wee Word In Your Ear

A Wee Word In Your Ear By Paul McCann “Mrs Mc Afee and how would you be ?” “ Dead on there . How’s yourself Mr Magee ?” “Couldn’t be better despite...