Julie Kyed

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I have 6 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 3760 times and one story has been cherrypicked.
1 of my 6 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

Julie Kyed's picture

Hi! My name is Julie and I'm an aspiring writer. If you have any comments, critique or otherwise, about my writing please let me know. Hope you enjoy:)

My collections

My stories

The Red Itch

Let me tell you about what happened to me last night. It was rather curious, what happened to me I mean, but do not think ill of me when I tell it. I...

The Man On The Hill

One late September afternoon Lucy is out by the hill by the sea. She is walking her dog, Buster his name is, as she usually does at this time and...

Gallarion (working title) part two

When the lift came to a halt once more Kal found himself on the lower levels of his ship. Opposite the lift was a set of massive double doors...

Gallarion (working title) part one

Kal paced restlessly in what humble space the inside of his cabin allowed him. The room had no windows thus not revealing any indication of time and...

Regarding Sanity

What if sanity is all just an act? What if everyone is just a little bit insane, but we don't talk about it thus killing this horribly inevitable...


1 of my comments has received 1 Great Feedback vote

1 Vote

I have now read all 3 parts

Posted on Wed, 06 Nov 2013

I have now read all 3 parts and I am definitely intrigued. I really enjoy the humor with which you write and the dynamic between the brothers as well. The description is really good, too. I should like to learn more about this futuristic world...

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Posted in Perkins Brothers Repair Company - Part 3