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I have 202 stories published in 9 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 278093 times and 42 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 697 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

kheldar's picture
David Pamment

kheldar is the public voice of .........  Moving on, he is a (say it quietly) fifty-two year old now living in Worcestershire but originally from West London. He left the big smoke twelve years ago after ill-health forced him to retire. He currently works part-time for a local charity.

khedar writes as a hobby (i.e. no one is willing to pay him). 

My stories

The Witch

In darksome wood Where her house stood An evil air pervades, Her presence lurks Within the murk And haunts the forest glades. Though long since dead Abiding dread


A distant cry, a soldier falls One more young life's laid waste, As he lies with face pressed to the ground It seems of blood to taste. A distant whine, a shell explodes
