Another year older
Posted by The royster on Tue, 10 Nov 2020
Here I go again!
Strange times indeed, I hear it said often, and I guess there is no argument about that.
I would consider them awkward times with all the restriction with lockdowns, can we can't we. Those that do and tose that couldn't give a toss as long as they can go on holiday or have a BBQ with all their mates or families. I feel sad for all those that are on a knife edge as far as work/wages are concerned.
It's good to se the help that is given to those that need it with the food handouts but I do get very annoyed when I see TV honing in on the poor single mother with 7 kids pouring out her anger at not getting enough help. Well, maybe if she had kept her legs together 6 times and taken care of her self she may not be a single mum. Her new iphone stuck to her ear, the contract of which would probably pay for a weeks food or even help with the rent.
If you can't afford the kiddies then don't have them.
Ok, enough of that. I've had a varied couple of weeks. After celebrating our Golden Anniversary with the immediate family. Since my fall a few weeks ago I haven't managed to regain the level of mobility I had prior to that fall. A walking frame was never on my list of required equipment and I don't enjoy having to use it. However, it does do the job of keeping me upright, so far. (Watch this space) haha. Following that I have made the grand age of 74. Mind says I'm 24 body says I'm 84. I'd be quite happy halfway haha.
My group of lads that lunch haven't had a meet since February. That is always a good couple of hours putting the world to right. Plenty of differing opinions but always light hearted. Oh, and the world is always as it was when we go home.
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your blog. your opionon. But
your blog. your opionon. But I do grow weary of the single mother with lots of kids, being a slut and unfit mother. Stereotypes beloved of Cameron and Osborne when cutting benefits. How do you explain foodbanks? As you know a very, very small proportion of mothers are unfit to be mothers. These are statisitcal outliers. In terms of portraying them as a threat to the British way of life, well, I think we need to look closer to home. I'll shut up now. Your blog. Not mine. I'll give it a miss in future.
Hey there celticman. I
Hey there celticman. I completely agree with you. But I am not generalising on the Mum and her kids. These are very few. Many have them because they love them and will probably give them all they need. But there are a few that are just working the system, as do other members of our society.
As for food banks. What a fantastic idea but isn't it a shame that it's ordinary Joe Public that are giving these much needed supplies,which works for, again, all members of society. It is such a shame that it has come down to this and I can 100% agree with the Cameron, Osborne analogy. Now there lies the threat to our way of life.Oh, and Covid. Hang loose dude.