
Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by airyfairy on Fri, 13 May 2022 The longer days and warmer weather has definitely brought something out in ABC Talers - there's been some cracking stuff on the site this week. That being said, one poem in particular stood out for me. Our Poem of the Week is 'Stories I won't tell you' by london_calling79. It is a visceral piece, digging down into the realities of a particular kind of grief. It pulled me into its narrative, and although I...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

The longer days and warmer weather has definitely brought something out in ABC Talers - there's been some cracking stuff on the site this week. That being said, one poem in particular stood out for me. Our Poem of the Week is 'Stories I won't tell you' by london_calling79. It is a visceral piece, digging down into the realities of a particular kind of grief. It pulled me into its narrative, and although I immediately wanted to read it again, it...

Saved Data

Well as you can see I'm still under a black cloud, I moved away as the landlord, bless his little cotton socks wanted to sell his flat in Norwich from far away America. Leaving me struggling to find a suitable alternative, and then my older son, who suddnely felt like his Mother should come and live closer, invited me too... So I set about struggling to find something suitable, near by, not on top of, but close enough. I couldn't find any. I was...

Posting From Your Android Phone - Fixed!

Some of you have been having issues with posting your work using an android phone. Ewan and John our techie have been working really hard to fix this. We think it's an issue with your phone rather than the site, but Ewan has finally found a workaround for which we're very grateful! Details below: Open ABCTales as normal on your phone, via your browser. (works for Firefox and Chrome) Log in Look for the three dots top right of the phone screen (...

Story and Poem the Month

A very big thank you to skinner_jennifer for choosing the Story and Poem of the Month for April. Here's what she says: Reading so many great poems and stories, I've found it difficult to pick out my favourites, but here goes. After much deliberation I decided that Marandina's: Life Through A Prism just had to be poem of the month. It captures the hope and confidence that I believe in, and is very encouraging to read. Life Through a Prism |...

Great Scottish Writers, James Robertson (2010) And the Land Lay Still.

My pet theory is that authors write the same book again and again, until they get it right (write). James Robertson writes about Scotland. No headline there. He always writes about Scotland. He can mix it up a bit with Saints, God and the Devil, but you know where you are with him. Here we have an ensemble cast that takes us from Scotland in the 1950s to the kind of Scottish Devolution nobody much wanted, but we settled for. The book kicks off...

Nadifa Mohamed (2021) The Fortune Men.

Around seventy years ago, Mahmood Mattan was hanged for the murder of Lily Volpert, a shopkeeper, who happened to be Jewish and under five-foot tall. His conviction was found to be unsafe by the three Appeal Court judges in 1998 and he was exonerated. In the Epilogue, Mahmood’s son Omar was found dead on a beach in Caithness, Scotland. He’d said in an interview: ‘Until I was eight, I was told my father had died at sea. Then one day the Salvation...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Reading through this past week's posts has been an absolute pleasure as always - thank you so much for all the wonderful things you've published. My choices for the Story and Poem of the Week are as follows: Story of the Week (don't read this if you're feeling delicate - he will take you right back there with him) is K Cider - September 1988 by Andy Hollyhead Poem of the Week...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Always feels a privilege to award Picks of the Week, but it is never easy to pick just one thing. However, Poem of the Week is These Hands by Ewan. There is something very profound about our hands and Ewan’s poem captures it beautifully. So much so that I am using it as our Inspiration Point this week. You can read the poem here: Story of the Week is Sean McNulty’s A Mortal Drag. I am a huge fan of...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Always feels a privilege to award Picks of the Week, but it is never easy to pick just one thing. However, Poem of the Week is These Hands by Ewan. There is something very profound about our hands and Ewan’s poem captures it beautifully. So much so that I am using it as our Inspiration Point this week. You can read the poem here: Story of the Week is Sean McNulty’s A Mortal Drag. I am a huge fan of...
