
Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by Ewan on Fri, 22 Jul 2022 The weeks seem to be flying by. I hope you all survived the heat. No moaning about today’s rain, please. Story of the Week Story of the Week this week goes to not-so-cosy Cotswolds-set “The Bounds” by Charlie77. The start of something longer, this first part is gripping, chilling and blessed with a narrative voice that is very strong indeed. Do check out Rosalie Kempthorne’s latest, too. Discovery is as off-...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point Fri 22nd July 2022

The weeks seem to be flying by. I hope you all survived the heat. No moaning about today’s rain, please. Story of the Week Story of the Week this week goes to not-so-cosy Cotswolds-set “The Bounds” by Charlie77. The start of something longer, this first part is gripping, chilling and blessed with a narrative voice that is very strong indeed. Do check out Rosalie Kempthorne’s latest, too. Discovery is as off-kilter and unsettling as all her work...


When you know your time is short, anything starts to feel like everything… Daisy Lowry is missing a dad…Gabriel Lowry is a dying illusionist seeking a daughter…as both look for a reunion, they tumble into new and magical experiences, Gabriel having it all on to perform the greatest trick of this life – slipping the noose a very bitter, overworked Death has for him…whilst Daisy finds solace in a mysterious group of strong, independent women… SJ...

out of the frying pan

If as some people believe, Russia was behind the Brexit vote, might it be possible they have been influencing social media to turn the population against Johnson? It is not as though everyone was not aware he found truth dull at best, to be glossed over with mockery or buried in fluff of Latin quotes. I don't see why, just now, everyone has suddenly noticed the emperor has no clothes? If Putin were responsible for Johnson becoming PM, as he was...

Story and Poem of the Month

Our Story and Poem of the Month for June, very kindly chosen for us by Mark Say: Here we go with Picks of the Month June 2022! I’m migrating from the written word to audio for my story of the month. Sheep Without a Shepherd by colin.b – an extract from an audiobook – is a great slice of working class memoir told in a Scottish vernacular that makes clear it comes from the heart. It’s a lethal piece of social commentary and carries a real...

Seth Stephens Davidowitz (2017) everybody lies. What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are.

Google announced they would delete data. Algorithms rule the world. And their algorithm made Sergey Brin and Larry Page the richest men in the world. That’s the equivalent of an oil company announcing it would no longer produce petrol. Google would not cooperate with law officials who sought to prosecute women seeking abortion in lieu of Roe versus Wade after searching online, using Google. Google is a noun and verb. Google trends offer the...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

It was a struggle this week to make my choices, especially with poetry - thank you all so much for posting such wonderful, thought-provoking work. It's always a pleasure to read it. Poem of the Week goes to lenchenelf for Otters' Child which I've found myself returning to more than once. It's wonderful Story of the Week goes to JupiterMoon for 'The Kindness'. Jupiter usually posts poetry on...

Robert Edric (2022 [2020]) My Own Worst Enemy: Scenes of a Childhood.

Robert Edric is six or seven years older than me, but scenes of a Sheffield childhood are remarkably similar to mine. A writer’s job is to remember. I remember my da punched my mum. My sisters would probably make some excuse, as if it never happened. I don’t remember me wee brother setting his jammies on fire, and him being rushed to hospital. I was only a kid, but I find it strange I forgot what happened that day. Edric does remember everything...

Rachael Smart (2022) Ways To Fold a Swan.

Poets make the best writers. Ways To Fold a Swan is a chapbook. I remember Rachel Smart from when she was an editor at ABCtales (she probably still is). I read everything she wrote. Poetry mostly, but also prose. Story of the week stuff. I like her writing because she writes about people I recognise. People like me. Working class, and unashamedly so. Words she recognises come preloaded with meaning. ‘Rouse, ravish, rape.’ Roe versus Wade. Tens...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point Fri 22nd June 2022

It’s been a quiet week, but no drop off in quality has been discernible. Well done, all. Story of the Week Celticman’s Ugly Puggly continues to absorb, and Marandina’s three-parter The Horses of Wooldale Road written over a long period of time is also worth some of yours. Ugly Puggly pt 4 1 The Horses of Wooldale Road Pt 3 However, Story of the Week for me is Colin.b’s Audio-excerpt, Sheep Without a Shepherd taken from the audiobook version of...
