Dark Fox's blog

Well life sucks

So since I have been back off my holiday, I have not really had time to write anything. Life has once again got in the way. I am working too hard again which are long days. I have had a car accident so car is not working right now. Got a temporary car but will need to pay that back to insurance when I can. It has been very stressful and I have not found the inspiration to write. I hope to write something soon but please bear with me while I try...

Well Holiday Is Over

Well my holiday is over. Had to go to office today to get gloves for work and tell them why I was sick again. I'm sorry I had covid a week before my holiday. I still went to work before I went away so they can't say I made it up. I was on a half day tomorrow and now I am on all day. But I really don't mind. I will see a few people that I have not seen for a while. I do a different round now so I don't see these clients much anymore. They are...

Another thing written

I have just uploaded another story and I am so proud that I am still writing. I am not bragging just expressing my excitement that I am still able to write. Do I dare try a small novel next or keep with my short stories and songs? Any advice would be appreciated. I hope everyone is doing okay. You guys are amazing and let no one tell you different.

Still Around

I know I have been quiet lately. I have just been on holiday for a while and not had any internet. I promise that even though I have been very busy visitng new places as well as old childhood memories, there has been a story written but its currently on paper and needs a little editing. Hopefully be on here tomorrow or sunday. As you may or may not know, I live in the uk up the nothern parts but it wasnt always so. I used to live a bit further...

Oh No!

Well my week has turned a little weird. So doing well with the writing that I have started. All stories that I have done so far have been cherrypicked and it has given me such a confidence boost. My husband doesn't understand why I get so excited when I see the cherries. My little boy who is only 8 years old has covid. He doesn't seem to be too bad. He is a bit pale and has a runny nose but I am so worried about him as his mum. He has lots of...

Another Day

Another day has passed. I have not been able to write today as I have been working. Maybe I should explain what I do part time and what my husband does part time as we homeschool our son. My husband James does vinyl wrapping. Mostly furniture though he has done accent bits in our car. I am a community care assistant. My job is to help people stay in their own homes by caring for them. Personal care, food preparation and other simple home tasks...

Started but where now?

Well now I have written a piece in the first time for years. My son is older and doesn't need my constant attention. He can use his time wisely now and seems to demand less of mine. I love him and it makes me proud that he can use his own time and not need constant attention. I can focus again on my writing and ideas for writng. I loved the feeling of writng again. It made my anxiety go down and made me feel alittle more human. A bit more of a...

Starting again

So today I read some really good stories by an author called Calwell. They have given me thoughts for maybe to start to write again. Not sure when or how to start but maybe this can be the start. I miss writing. It used to calm me as a teenager and a young adult. Maybe it can help me make up some more stories for my son who is 8 years old. I am trying to go back to my happier days before I had depression and stress.