Another Day

Another day has passed. I have not been able to write today as I have been working. Maybe I should explain what I do part time and what my husband does part time as we homeschool our son.

My husband James does vinyl wrapping. Mostly furniture though he has done accent bits in our car. I am a community care assistant.

My job is to help people stay in their own homes by caring for them. Personal care, food preparation and other simple home tasks. I work from 7am in the morning to about 9pm -10pm. Its exhausting but rewarding. I don't often get time to write as I work without many breaks. A girl has to eat and sometimes writing comes second.

I am going to try to keep writing on my days off inbetween housework and childcare. I hope to keep adding things to my collections and I hope you guys on here continue to read my stories, poems or song lyrics. 

I am inspired by the other writers on here and I know that I was right to come back and start with my writing again. My husband wants to make an e-book with my writings though he says I should focus on one theme but that is just not the way I write. It will end up being a collection of everything I have done and thats all there is to it. I can't change how I write or how I want to write.

Good luck to all the writers on this platform or elsewhere. I will add another entry on here soon with hopefully another piece of beautiful inspiring writing for you lovely readers.