Started but where now?

Well now I have written a piece in the first time for years. My son is older and doesn't need my constant attention. He can use his time wisely now and seems to demand less of mine. I love him and it makes me proud that he can use his own time and not need constant attention. I can focus again on my writing and ideas for writng.

I loved the feeling of writng again. It made my anxiety go down and made me feel alittle more human. A bit more of a human and less mother. I love my son and now he is older I am regaining more of me before I became a mother. I enjoy being a mother but it is nice to feel more than that again.

Anyway enough about that. Enough writing for the day on here and hope to write more again soon. Lots of ideas and trying to make sense of them. Please read and keep checking back in case there is something new.