Insertponceyfrenchnamehere's blog

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Firstly I hope to 'see' you at our virtual reading event tomorrow - we have an absolutely brilliant line-up, including a very welcome appearance from Tony Cook who I hope is going to read some of his work in progress. Still some spaces left if you want to be in the audience, just register with the link on the front page, but if you can't make it we will be putting it on YouTube in due course Anyway, our Story of the week goes to Mark Burrow for...


Don’t miss our Virtual Reading next Saturday where we have an international line-up of superb poets and writers – 19:00 to 21:00 (UKT). We'll be hearing work read by Peter Bennett, Jenny, Penny4Thought, lavadis, Noo, Philip Sydney, Sean McNulty, airyfairy, HudsonMoon, the legendary celticman and Drew Gummerson will be reading from his recently published novel, Seven Nights at the Flamingo Hotel, extracts of which first appeared here on ABCtales...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by Philip Sidney on Fri, 20 Nov 2020 I might be alone in this but I'm getting a bit bored with myself. It's been so interesting to live the lives of others in that brief moment of reading. Thanks to all contributers for that wonderful respite. Our two picks this week give coniderable insight into the lives of others - just wonderful to a nosey parker like me. Thank you Hudsonmoon for his sweetly uplifting slice of ordinary life lived well...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

We have had an avalanche of amazing work this week - thank you so much for posting it, and thanks also to the lovely editors who help clear the spike each day - i'm so grateful to you all. There are so many good poems, it's been exceptionally difficult to choose just one, but in the end I've gone for fatboy74's wonderfully chilling Rooks For prose Drew Gummerson's brilliant series continues, and we have a new story just started by airyfairy...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

First of all, of course, a reminder of our Virtual Reading Night on November 28th! Many thanks to Mark Burrow for organising it once again. Whether you fancy reading, or just watching and listening to other ABC Talers doing their stuff, do please join us if you can.

Story and Poem of the Month

We're very grateful to Stephen Thom for picking our Story and Poem for the month of October: Poem of the Month goes to 'November' by onemorething, which has beauty, weight and honesty in abundance, and which stood out for me as one of the most wonderful things about this type of expression; the ability to take our darker moments, hold them, and turn them into something beautiful, cathartic and vital:


ABCtales Virtual Reading Night We’re delighted to be holding our second Virtual Reading on Saturday 28th November, running from 19:00 to 21:00 (UKT). Building on the success of our last event in August, we’ll be lifting any lockdown blues with a mix of poetry and prose from our fantastic members at ABCtales. Please fill in your details; you’ll then receive an email confirming your acceptance.

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by Philip Sidney on Fri, 23 Oct 2020 We've had some delicious pieces this week but poem of the week goes to Queen Beatle with a bone-crunching morsel: story of the week is heart-warming take on enduring love from Ice Rivers: here's the inspiration point: Philip Sidney's...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Big congratulations this week to sean mcnulty for his two parter 'Phil Longley Was Still There' which is our Story of the Week and to D Marie for 'House Ghost' which is our Poem of the Week. Both brilliant! Here's the Inspiration Point: and I hope you all have a wonderful...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Lots of wonderful things to read on the site this week, and our Picks are two absolute gems.
