Insertponceyfrenchnamehere's blog


Gaia's Angry Daughter is a new collection by Sylvia Clare - sylviec on ABCTales. Here's what she says about it: 'My new volume of poetry focusses on nature and the politics of unkindness to humans and climate alike, ecocide. But as well i celebrate the beauty of nature and how it influences me through the year, how important it is to us all and how much love is at the heart of everything, or should be. When it is not then things go wrong and...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by airyfairy on Fri, 28 Aug 2020 Lots of marvellous writing on the site again this week and, of course, our first Zoom reading event! Many, many thanks to all the wonderful writers who came to read and listen - the variety of voices and material was a complete joy. And a special thank-you to Mark Burrow, who organised it all and compered on the night. One comment referred to our Poem of the Week as 'stonkingly good', and I can think of no...

VIRTUAL READING NIGHT - Extended Due To Popular Demand!

You can never have too much brilliance on show and that's why we've taken the decision to extend our Virtual Reading Night by thirty minutes. We want to ensure we give you the opportunity to hear and see the fabulous poets and writers who have put themselves forward to share their work. So, we’ll now be running from 7:00pm to 9:00pm GMT+1 (There will be a short break in the middle). It’s been so great to have you come forward and we don’t want...


News just in from Mark Burrow: I’m delighted to say the list of readers is building up for our Virtual Reading Night on the 27 th – 19:00 to 20:30 (GMT+1). We have brilliance on display in the form of Onemorething, Drew Gummerson, Sean McNulty, Rhiannonw, Mark Say, lavadis, hudsonmoon, Philip Sidney, noo, airyfairy and Simon Barget. More to be confirmed shortly. Yes, we’re doing it by Zoom. Yes, that means it’s a video call and yes that means we...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by Philip Sidney on Fri, 14 Aug 2020 We're having a heatwave - a tropical heatwave and it seems to be doing wonders for your writing if not the garden. Story of the week goes to a wonderfully wry, dry safety warning on modern living - Simon Barget's suitably hot: The Flames, The Flames: Poem of the week goes to something more cooling, the gorgeous Departure of Nightjars by...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

I'm taking a short break from melting in the heat to bring you this week's picks: Big congratulations to onemorething for 'to my imaginary child' which has stayed with me ever since I first read it, and the same to drew_gummerson for his wonderful three parter 'Artur and Guillaume' - and if the words three and parter put you off, don't let them - it's an immersive read which hums along at a snappy pace. Conversely, if the idea of three parts...

Story and Poem of the Month

Our Story and Poem for the month of July, very kindly chosen by Ewan: This month's increase in membership has provided a surge in quantity and a significant "up-tick" in quality. There is a great deal of quality prose and poetry available. July's Story of the Month is Pins (2020), by Stephen Thom. an atmospheric and disturbing longer multi-part piece that could easily turn out to be the next published novel from an ABC writer, if publishing ever...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by airyfairy on Fri, 31 Jul 2020 Just as we thought it was safe to come out a little bit seems as though some of us at least are going to have to retreat again. I do hope everyone out there is keeping safe and well. Don't forget our Virtual ABC Reading Night on August 27th - all details and instructions are here: Our Story of the Week is this episode...


Very excited to announce ABCTales' very first virtual reading night! It will be taking place via Zoom on August 27th at 7pm BST and we would love to see as many of you as possible, either as readers or members of the audience. You must register or you won't be allowed in, and obviously we only have limited space for readers so please let us know ASAP if you want a place. All instructions here: tZAlde2grjkiHtc1Y5U4C-2goW5MmyWi5O26 Huge thanks to...

Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

Posted by Philip Sidney on Fri, 17 Jul 2020 It's been a happily productive week on the site annd we're fortunate to have a number of new writers joining us - welcome one and all! I don't know about you, but I'm yearning for pastures new. The evocative poem from Coolhermit takes us on some armmchair travel that may satisfy that itch - with a trip back in time and 'in Nepal' - it's our poem of the week:
