April, come she will (NaPoWriMo 2008)

NaPoWriMo cometh!

I am a humbug

It jumps you on the way home, holds on, tells you it's going GNNNFF to kill you, then is gone. The penny drops. I'm a fraud. You start to question everything, from why NOT murder? to whether,

Accepting a drink because you want a drink

Does this cloud-maned beauty see how I ironed this shirt, pressing mercilessly until the ionised water evaporated? Does he understand how long it took to shape


Come on in. Nurse it here. Athletic legs clop dressage around your chair. Pick one, any. You get to ask each a question first. Then you give over to whatever tricks they've stowed.


"Tell me about Davina," says Carly. I sit five minutes lke a corpse. She asks again. "You can tell me. It's OK." Her voice is a scarf. I begin. "She's blonde. Wait - sometimes

Losing my abecedary

Age 11. I got boobs early. Behind the boating lake, past curfew. Bloody. I needed cider. Dani, year 10. Bitch told everyone I had an acorn. My father. Guess that doesn't count.

The English venture abroad

I have gun please. Shake hands release devil? My herpes loves you. Magnificent whore stew, thanks. Your shoe makes child. Our Queen wild transsexual! Your styled hair's gay.

Deus Vult

Don't you ask me why your cat's back broke; your cactus choked; you woke at five again. Can't tell you, any more than I can predict when you, me or Aunt Marie'll croak.

There will be paint

Aladdin's motivational speech series 'Rub For Success' went well for a while.

Elephant swimming

shot from below with heavy plastic and batteries alien craft splashing off the sun that bites each time like chilli on a watered tongue

Saving pepper

That powder gives a kick to any carbonara; until you pass out, it sits gently on your stomach like a bird. Saving pepper, saving pepper, lace your meals with something sharper

What possesses someone to get Myra Hindley and Ian Brady portrait tattoos

on their shins? Barely a wafer of skin there to cushion you, that'd cane, surely. And how nice that Brady gets a look in! So often Hindley's Helga 'do, bleached

Locus delicti

("place of the crime") Heavens boy, don't you think to clean your coat? Never mind. Get a bath. Those ears must be sprouting potatoes. An hour late! Did you talk to strangers? What's got