Day and a Life




Three Morons

There were three of them, at first.

Potato Peels

My mother became a hippy after my second step-dad left with a cigarette hanging from his deceitful lips, and a beat up duffel bag full of his shit slung over his hunched back.

Dog Kills Rattlesnake

I believe in signs. I read my horoscope daily, and take it to heart, especially when I am pursuing a new love affair.

The car

She wanted his 1963, red Cadillac Coupe De Ville. Silky, and smooth, freshly polished; her hand gently caressed the white top as she peered in the passenger window.

The Problem

“Are you having an affair?” Terry’s husband asked her, when she started writing erotica. She denied it. She wasn’t having an affair.

Open Spaces

He made promises he could not keep, in the beginning he did not realize this; he went with the newness of everything.

The Vineyard

Gwen walks around her house on the mountain side. The house her ex-husband picked out. The house he left behind; the house that was to be their fixer –upper.